It is of great significance that enterprises focus on service management practices that contribute to the greater demand of producing the complete IT services in the ever changing economic and market place. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)® is a globally-recognised service management framework that revolutionize IT services that are aligned to attain high levels of business performance.
ITIL Service Transition is an intermediate-level certification is of the utmost credential across the world. The knowledge of the Service Transition module helps to: align new services with organisational requirements and business operations; plan and manage resources to package, build, test and deploy a successful release; ensure the service can be managed and supported in accordance with organisation's requirement.
ITIL ST course objectives?
After the completion of your ITIL ST training, you will yield complete understanding of:
Service Transition principles, purpose, and objectives
How process in Service Transition interact with other processes of service lifecycle
Roles and responsibilities within ITIL Service Transition
Measuring ITIL Service Transition, and more
Who could take up this course?
The main target group for the ITIL Intermediate qualification Service Transition Certificate includes, but is not restricted to:
• Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
• Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)
• Managers
• Supervisory Staff
• Team Leaders
• Service Designers
• IT architects/Planners/Consultant/Audit Managers/Security Managers
• ITSM trainers involved in the ongoing management, co-ordination and integration of transition activities within the Service Lifecycle
• Individuals who require a detailed understanding of the ITIL Service Transition stage of the ITIL Service Lifecycle and how it may be implemented to enhance the quality of IT service provision within an organization
• IT professionals working within or about to enter a Service Transition environment and requiring an understanding of the concepts, processes, functions and activities involved
• Individuals who have attained the ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management and wish to advance to higher level ITIL certifications
• Individuals seeking the ITIL Expert Certification in IT Service Management for which this qualification can be one of the prerequisite modules
• Individuals seeking progress toward the ITIL Master Certificate in IT Service Management for which the ITIL Expert is a prerequisite.
What are the pre-requisites to take up ITIL INTERMIDIATE SERVICE TRANSITION Examination?
To be eligible for the ITIL Intermediate Qualification Service Operation examination, the candidate must have fulfilled the following requirements:
• At least 21 contact hours (hours of instruction, excluding breaks, with an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) or an accredited e-learning solution) for this syllabus, as part of a formal, approved training course/scheme.
• A basic IT literacy and around 2 years IT experience are highly desirable.
• Hold the ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management (or other appropriate earlier ITIL and bridge qualifications).
